Logo Design: Expectations Vs. Reality

Logo Design: Expectations Vs. Reality

Logo designing is all about capturing your brand’s essence into a visual image consisting of symbols, images, or text. It helps your brand create a definitive identity and distinguish it from other brands in the market. A logo is one of the essential parts of branding in which you must put in a lot of thought process to state what your brand stands for clearly.

While logo designing looks like an easy job to do, it is quite the opposite. When you have to describe your brand’s objectives using words, it becomes easy to communicate your ideas, but using images can be tricky. Given its role in adding value to your business, you must know what to expect when you are looking for any interior design logo.

Why Should You Know About The Expectations And Reality Of Logo Designing?

When it comes to designing the perfect logo for your company/organization/brand, it is not always necessary to pay a hefty sum and spend hours of brainstorming sessions to come up with a good one. You can hire an expert logo designer to do the job and trust them to deliver something which resonates with your company.

However, it is also important to take into consideration that logo designing is very subjective as there are no standard templates for a logo. Creating an interior logo design will involve a different message as opposed to a logo for a fashion apparel company. Hence, only the company’s chief decision-maker decides what message the company wants to convey should be the one to finalize the design.

There are several misinterpretations about logo making. Hence, in this article, we will discuss some common expectations about logo design contrary to their realities.

1- A logo should always reflect what the company does

It is a common belief that your logo must showcase what your business is all about and what it does, but it doesn’t have to be the case, every time. As long as your logo’s message is being conveyed properly to the audience, it may or may not have the exact design.

For example, Starbucks or Apple, whose logo has nothing to do with the products they sell, has created a brand image.

That means you can go as creative with your logo design as you want. At the end of the day, you want your logo to be unique, catchy, and carry a strong message reflecting the company’s ethos.

2- Should always use symbols

Another common myth about logo design is that it should only consist of symbols. Not all companies use symbols to establish their brand’s unique image. Think of Google, Microsoft, Facebook, and Yahoo! What do they all have in common? They haven’t used any symbol or image in their logo, yet are quite recognizable when you find them anywhere.

A symbol is needed to be inserted in the logo only when it depicts something very important to the company and has to be represented that way. However, this does not mean that symbols are not important in a logo.

Think of it this way: does your symbol add any value to the message your company communicates? If the answer is yes, you can use it; otherwise, it’s just a waste of space.

3- Using only the symbols will be enough

When you spot a huge company logo like Starbucks, McDonald’s, Apple, or Pepsi, it is impossible not to connect it with its name. Because they have been repeated multiple times on mainstream media that it has stuck with the audience.

To do this requires a great deal of promotion and advertisement, which is not affordable by small business owners. Since the main motive of a logo is to create brand identity, your audience must know that the logo belongs to your company if you want them to reach you. As a result, including the company’s name is the best shot for your logo to be recognized.

4- You should not change your logo

Another common misconception about logo design is that you must stick to the same logo forever. However, this is not true. In this rapidly evolving world, change is the only constant and it would be a grave mistake to stick to any particular pattern or symbol to define your business when you are expanding it as well.

Many famous companies such as Apple, CocaCola, Nike, etc. have changed and modified their logo with time to cater to a broader audience. You must also not hesitate to do the same when you feel there is a need

5- Logo designing is easy

While it might look like a piece of cake to design a logo, the truth is far from this allegation. You might be wondering how difficult it might be to put together a few designs and symbols to create a logo, but there are far more important things to consider before making one. A lot goes into the making of an impactful logo and the whole task shouldn’t be under-estimated.

Designing a logo needs a lot of patience, practice, and creativity. It also takes a lot of effort to combine the brand’s idea into a single design.

6- Complicated designs

Logo designs should create an everlasting impact. It should be distinctive as well as creative, something which sticks to the mind of your audience. Hence, designing complicated logos beats the purpose of your intention.

Unnecessarily stuffing your company’s logo with designs, colors, text, and images may result in an unattractive logo that doesn’t look neat. Moreover, it might make it look very confusing and stacked so it becomes less likely that people will remember it. Keeping it simple, short, and sweet helps.

The Reality Of Logo Design

Logo design is a paramount part of image branding; hence it needs to be done effectively as well as correctly. When a perfect logo is attached to a brand, it can create a big impact on the product/service’s sales aspects. When getting your logo designed by a logo designer, you must stay away from the myths mentioned above and expectations and stay true to logo design realities. It will not only make your designer’s work easier but also help you in getting the perfect logo for your brand.

Author Bio
Mike Brown lives in Jamaica. He works as a freelance content writer and he is eager to work on projects related to travel, photography, and design.


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